Anthony Ranches
3rd Annual Red Angus Bull & Female Sale

April 4, 2025 in Ryan Oklahoma, 1:00 pm


Contact Luke Mobley for more information.

Anthony Red Angus Sale Catalog 4/4/25

Online Bidding @ LiveAuction.TV

Yearling Red Angus Bulls:

 Lot 1: ANTHONY 419 BRUNSWICK 1907
2nd highest Adjusted weaning weight, 5th largest ribeye area, 4th Highest WW EPD,

3rd Highest ProS EPD, 3rd Highest GM EPD, 4th Highest Marb. EPD,

 Lot 3: ANTHONY 431 NIGHT STAR 2013
Highest Adjusted weaning weight,  4th Highest YW EPD, 2nd Highest HPG EPD,

  Lot 4: ANTHONY 484 NIGHT STAR 1987
4th highest Adjusted weaning weight, 2nd highest adjusted yearling weight, Highest WW EPD, Highest YW EPD, 2nd Highest HPG EPD, 4th Highest CW EPD,

  Lot 5: ANTHONY 415 PIE SPUR 1309
4th highest marbling,

Largest ribeye area, 2nd Highest WW EPD, 2nd Highest YW EPD, 5th Highest CW EPD,

  Lot 7: ANTHONY 434 BRUNSWICK 1443
5th highest adjusted yearling weight, 3rd highest marbling,

  Lot 8: ANTHONY 407 BRUNSWICK 1839
3rd highest Adjusted weaning weight, 3rd highest adjusted yearling weight, 5th Highest YW EPD, 5th Highest Marb. EPD,


  Lot 9: ANTHONY 3119 BRUNSWICK 2072
Calving ease,

 Lot 10: ANTHONY 3120 BRUNSWICK 1474
Calving ease, 3rd largest ribeye area,

 Lot 11: ANTHONY 3115 BRUNSWICK 1809

  Lot 12: ANTHONY 3121 BRUNSWICK 1985
4th Highest ProS EPD, 5th Highest GM EPD, 5th Highest Stay EPD, 3rd Highest Marb. EPD,

  Lot 13: ANTHONY 3123 DOMAIN2005 E145
Calving ease,

  Lot 14: ANTHONY 3117 BRUNSWICK 1835


 Lot 15:  ANTHONY 418 BRUNSWICK 1908
Calving ease, 2nd Highest ProS EPD, 4th Highest GM EPD, 3rd Highest Stay EPD, Highest Marb. EPD,

 Lot 16: ANTHONY 479 BRUNSWICK 1924
3rd Highest Marb. EPD,

 Lot 17:  ANTHONY 448 PIE SPUR 1503
2nd Highest GM EPD, 5th Highest HPG EPD, Highest CW EPD,

 Lot 18: ANTHONY 424 GMRA TESLA 2237
Calving ease, 3rd Highest HB EPD,

  Lot 19: ANTHONY 410 CHARTERKING 2249
2nd Highest YG EPD,

  Lot 20: ANTHONY 422 HERDSMAN 2008
Calving ease, Highest HB EPD, 4th Highest HB EPD, 4th Highest HPG EPD, 5th Highest YG EPD,

Highest HPG EPD, 5th Highest REA EPD,

 Lot 22:  ANTHONY 463 PIE SPUR 2042

  Lot 23: ANTHONY 488 NIGHT STAR 1535
Calving ease, 3rd Highest WW EPD, 3rd Highest YW EPD, 3rd Highest REA EPD,

4th Highest REA EPD,

 Lot 25: Anthony 470 Saga Montan 2144

 Lot 26: ANTHONY 464 NIGHT STAR 1646
Calving ease, 4th largest ribeye area, 2nd Highest HPG EPD,

 Lot 27: A5 2404 X-Factor 830


  Lot 28: ANTHONY 442 GMRA TESLA 2206
Calving ease, 5th highest Adjusted weaning weight bull, 3rd Highest Stay EPD,

 Lot 29: ANTHONY 469 BRUNSWICK 1823
2nd highest marbling, 5th Highest HB EPD, Highest Stay EPD, 2nd Highest Marb. EPD, 4th Highest YG EPD,

 Lot 30: ANTHONY 430 BRUNSWICK 2028
2nd Highest Stay EPD,

Highest marbling,

  Lot 32: ANTHONY 458 SAGAMONTANA 2153
4th highest adjusted yearling weight,

  Lot 33: ANTHONY 3125 BRUNSWICK 2026
Calving ease, 2nd Highest REA EPD,

 Lot 34: ANTHONY 3126 BRUNSWICK 2066
Calving ease,

 Lot 35: ANTHONY 403 DOMAIN1929 1814
Highest YG EPD,

  Lot 36: ANTHONY 483 CHARTERKING 2233
5th highest marbling,

 Lot 37: ANTHONY 454 CHARTER X 2102
Calving ease, 5th Highest ProS EPD, 3rd Highest Stay EPD,

  Lot 38: ANTHONY 445 CHARTERKING 2265
Highest ProS EPD, Highest GM EPD, 3rd Highest Stay EPD, 2nd Highest CW EPD,

 Lot 39: ANTHONY 412 GMRA TESLA 2284
Calving ease, 2nd Highest HB EPD,


 Lot 41: ANTHONY 482 BRUNSWICK 1461
Calving ease, 4th Highest Stay EPD, 4th Highest Marb. EPD,

 Lot 42: ANTHONY 490 BRUNSWICK 1434

 Lot 43: AR 2419 X-Factro 2005

Commercial Red Angus Bulls:

 Lot 44: Anthony 3124,
DOB 12/26/23
Dam:  V6 Red Silk 1553 RAAA# 3480792

Sire Reference: BROWN PREMIER X7876 – Sire of Lots 45, 48,& 49

 Lot 45: Y20
DOB 10/21/23
Sire: Brown Premier X7876 RAAA# 1379610

 Lot 46: Y22
DOB 10/21/23
Sire: Anthony 1905 Fusion 1503 RAAA# 4150720

 Lot 47: Y23
DOB 10/21/23
Sire: Anthony 1905 Fusion 1503 RAAA# 4150720

 Lot 48: Y24
DOB 10/21/23
Sire: Brown Premier X7876 RAAA# 1379610

Lot 49: Y25
DOB 10/21/23
Sire: Brown Premier X7876 RAAA# 1379610

Red Angus Open Heifers:

  Lot 50: V6A PS MS  CLEOPATRA 438
5th Highest REA EPD,

  Lot 51: V6A CH-X MS MOON BEAM 413
4th Highest ProS EPD, 3rd Highest HB EPD, 3rd highest stay EPD,

  Lot 52: V6A  CH-X MS KACIE 423
5th Highest HB EPD, 5th Highest GM EPD, 5th highest stay EPD, 2nd Highest HPG EPD, 3rd Highest ProS EPD, 5th Highest Marb EPD,

3rd Highest Milk EPD, 5th Highest HB EPD, 4th Lowest ME EPD,

4th Highest GM EPD, 2nd Highest Marb EPD,

  Lot 55: V6A PS MS LADY BUG 485
2nd highest stay EPD, 2nd Highest HB EPD, 2nd Highest HPG EPD, 4th Highest DMPPA, 3rd Lowest ME EPD,

 Lot 56:  V6A CH-X MS BASIN HI HO 4103
3rd Highest Milk EPD, 5th Highest REA EPD, 4th Highest DMPPA,

Highest REA EPD,

  Lot 58: V6A PS MS MAKE MY DAY 475
2nd Highest HPG EPD, 2nd Lowest ME EPD,

  Lot 59: V6A CH-X MS  DAWN 4101
3rd Highest Milk EPD, 2nd Highest HPG EPD, 3rd Highest REA EPD,

  Lot 60: V6A PS MS  SHOWTIME 436
5th Highest ProS EPD, 2nd Highest HPG EPD, Highest GM EPD, 2nd Highest REA EPD, Lowest ME EPD,

  Lot 61: V6A  BRUN MS MISSY 435
Highest ProS EPD, Highest HB EPD, 2nd Highest GM EPD, Highest stay EPD, 3rd Highest Marb EPD,

  Lot 62: V6A BRUN  MS PRESTIGE 420
4th Highest HB EPD, 4th highest stay EPD, Highest Marb EPD,

  Lot 63: V6A PS MS  MOON BEAM 4104
Lowest ME EPD,

  Lot 64: V6A BRUN  MS BASIN HI HO 426
Highest Milk EPD, 3rd Highest DMPPA,

  Lot 65: V6A  N S MS ROXANNA 477
3rd Highest Milk EPD, Highest HPG EPD, 4th Highest Marb EPD, 4th Highest REA EPD,

  Lot 66: V6A PS MS  LADY BUG 409
3rd Highest Milk EPD, 2nd Highest HPG EPD, 5th Highest REA EPD, 2nd Highest DMPPA,

  Lot 67: V6A BRUN  MS BASIN HOBO 404
4th Highest GM EPD,

  Lot 68: V6A PS MS  IMA COWGIRL 414
2nd Highest HPG EPD, 5th Highest DMPPA, 3rd Lowest ME EPD,

  Lot 69: V6A PS  MS ROXANNA 405
Highest Milk EPD, 5th Highest REA EPD, Highest DMPPA, 5th Lowest ME EPD,

  Lot 70: V6A CH-X  MS MAKE MY DAY 487
2nd Highest Milk EPD, 2nd Highest ProS EPD, 3rd Highest GM EPD, 4th Highest DMPPA,

Commercial Red Angus Females:

 Lot 71:  60 Head – Red Angus Open Yearling Heifers
Ready for the bull of your choice

 Lot 72: 10 Head – Black Open Yearling Heifers
Ready for the bull of your choice

Anthony Night Star 2015: ARA 4327039

GMRA TESLA 1261J 4465171

GMRA HERDSMAN 8231F 3941713





2024 Sale

Anthony Ranches Red Angus Sale Catalog 4/5/24

Videos Bull & Females

Red Angus Yearling Bulls:

 1 Anthony 2384 Night Star 1510
Night Star son that won’t disappoint, Excellent production and carcass with added maternal, Top 1% WW & YW, 2% ProS & CW, 4% GM HPG & Marb., Wow! Look at that spread!

 2 Anthony 2337 Night Star 1503
Excellent combination bull, with 9 Epds at the top 5% of the breed. Expressing extreme growth and production plus maternal and carcass, This bulls mother always raises a good one. 2337 damn is a 9 year old cow that has a 366 day calving interval. Look at the growth curve on this fella!

 3 Anthony 2345 Night Star 1309
Man on Man look at this guy he comes with all the bells and whistles, Night star son expressing superior growth, carcass, and maternal with 8 EPD’s in the top 10% of the breed. 

 4 Anthony 2328 Night Star 1515
Night Star son out of a premier cow, lots of length, depth of rib, Great WW and YW weights with added carcass EPD’s. 

 5 Anthony 2315 Premier 1443
Crowd Pleaser, true power house. With growth and production plus added carcass and maternal. 

 6 Anthony 2310 Premier 1427
Thick made premier son with outstanding maternal, his daughters will be an asset to any program, Top 5% HB & STAY.

 7 Anthony 2301 Premier 1540
Premier son with a big spread, extreme growth and carcass with 6 EPD’s in the top 5% of the breed.

8 Anthony 2375 X-Porter 1816
Good long bodied correct made bull. Check out his EPD’s! With 9 EPDs in the top 10% of the breed covering growth, maternal, and carcass values. 

9 Anthony 2378 X-Porter 1839
X-Porter son with superb growth and carcass values, top 1% WW CW REA, 3% YW, 4% GM. His calves will make a profit rather you sell them at weaning or retain ownership through the feed yard. 

 10 Anthony 3109 Brunswick 1461
Heifer Bull! With maternal & carcass values, Top 1% STAY & MARB, Out of a great cow shown by a local FFA student as a heifer. 

 11 Anthony 2361 GMRA Tesla 2144
Heifer Bull! Wow. You can not go wrong keeping heifers out of him, excellent maternal top 7% STAY, Look at growth curve on this one with depth of rib and excellent growth EPD’s, Top 4% WW, 7% YW.

12 Anthony 2351 GMRA Tesla 2103
Heifer Bull! You will probably want to keep his heifers, great Maternal bull with a top 9% milk and 15% STAY EPD’s. He will add lots of growth into your calves with over 700 lbs of ADJ WW. 

13 Anthony 2309 Premier 1438
Heifer Bull! With great carcass and maternal values. Top 8% MARB, 10% GM, 9% Milk 16% STAY.  

 14 Anthony 2394 Pie Spur 1535
Pie Spur sired bull out of a Master Mind Daughter that has 7 calves on a 365 day Interval. 

 15 Anthony 2360 Charter XP 2102
Heifer Bull! Charter XP son with carcass values, top 4% CW, 16% MARB.

 16 Anthony 2396 Charter XP 2160
Heifer Bull! Lot birth weight with added growth, you will appreciate extra pounds when you wean.

17 Anthony 2386 CharterKG 2149
Heifer Bull! Good long bodied correct made bull. Check out those EPD’s, his calves will mash the scales down. 10 EPD’s in the top 15%. 

18 Anthony 2316 Saga Monta 1987
Saga Montana son with a thick top and depth of rib. Top 11% HB.

 19 Anthony 2353 Charter KG 2164
Heifer Bull! With great maternal EPD’s 7% HB and 28% milk 14% HPG 1% CEM.  

 20 Anthony 3100 Charter KG 2150
Heifer Bull with maternal and carcass values, top 3% Marb. 5% GM.

21 Anthony 2324 GMRA Tesla 2132
Heifer Bull! Long bodied good moving bull. His calves will have a lot of growth to them. Excellent maternal bull top 1% HB and STAY. 

 22 Anthony 2349 Charter XP 2121
Heifer Bull! Low birth weight with high weaning and yearling weights, plus extreme carcass EPD’s. Top 1% marbling and GM, 2% CW.

 23 Anthony 2354 Charter KG 2156
Heifer Bull with a lot of maternal and carcass values. Top 3% of Marb, top 8%HB.

 24 Anthony 2364 Charter XP 2139
Heifer Bull! Top 1% HB Top 3% CEM, 1% STAY. Definitely consider keeping the females out of him. 

 25 Anthony 3101 Charter KG 2159
Charter King son with extreme growth and production EPD’s. Top 11% WW and YW. 13% HB and ADG.

26 Anthony 2330 Brunswick E128
Really nice dark red Brunswick son with a +111 HB, top 1% of the breed. 

 27 Anthony 2367 Game Chang 1315
Here’s a game changer son out of a Master Mind daughter that has a 367 day calving interval. 2367 has a lot of growth and maternal values, if you keep his heifers you won’t go wrong. 

 28 Anthony 2331 X-Poter 1907
Heifer Bull! X-Porter son with extreme growth and carcass EPD’s. Your calves are going grow quick after they hit the ground. 

 29 Anthony 2371 X-Poter 1904
Nice growth curve on this bull, 2371 has expresses outstanding carcass and production EPD’s. He’s sure to add extra pounds on his calves at weaning.

30 Anthony 2308 Premier 1673
Big stout deep bodied bull with superior growth and production EPD’s. He is another one that will put extra pounds on your calves.

31 Anthony 2341 Brunswick 2025
Heavy muscle bull with added frame, displaying great carcass and maternal EPD’s, top 1% ProS, HB and STAY, 7% GM.

 32 Anthony 2318 Brunswick E145
Stout made Brunswick son. That combines grown maternal and carcass, top 1% STAY, 3%HB 8% in marbling, with great weaning and yearling EPD’s.  

 33 Anthony 2297 Paramount X 1474
Paramount X son with great carcass values. Top 7% GM 8% MARB

34 Anthony 2294 Paramount X 2072
Heifer Bull! Dark red, moderate framed bull.  (Twin)

35 Anthony 2291 Paramount X 2009
Paramount X son out of a night calving daughter. With good material and carcass values, top 6% CW 10% HPG

36 Anthony 2380 Confirmation 1319
Nice long bodied heavy muscle bull with a plus 31 milk EPD top 11% of the breed. 

 37 Anthony 3108 Night Star 1502
Growth and production bull with maternal and extreme carcass, with 8 Epds in the top 5% of the breed. Out of a 9yr cow. 

38 Anthony 2347 GMRA Tesla 2109
Combination bull expressing extreme production maternal & carcass EPD’s with 10 EPD’s in the top 5% of the breed.  

39 Anthony 2373 X-Poter 2003
Heifer Bull! Big ribeye 14.69 in the top 8% of the breed, weaning weight of 672.

40 Anthony 2372 X-Poter 1924
Heifer bull with great maternal keep the heifers out of this one, Top 5% HB STAY & ProS.

41 Anthony 2376 X-Poter 1822
Heifer bull with carcass value top 2% REA, 4% GM, A balanced made bull out of a really nice domain cow. 

42 Anthony 2350 Charter XP 2115
Stand out bull with good maternal and carcass EPD’s. Deep long bodied bull with a great top out of a 2yr old cow. 

 43 Anthony 2385 Charter XP 2153
Charter XP son, Heavy muscle deep body bull out of a really great cow. 

44 Anthony 2379 Saga Monte F979
Heifer bull! Saga Montana son with good maternal. 

45 Anthony 2293 Paramount X 2072
Paramount X son with heavy muscling, Growth bull with balance EPD’s (twin) 

 46 Anthony 2390 Charter XP 2108
Excellent combination bull with production, maternal and carcass values. Top 1% ProS, 7% HB, 6% GM.

 47 Anthony 2356 Charter KG 2114
Heifer Bull! Exhibits great material and carcass traits, Top 3% ProS & Marb.

48 Anthony 2397 Charter KG 2127
Long bodied easy moving growth and production bull, Top 6% ADG, 9% ProS & YW.

 49 Anthony 3111 Brunswick 1545
Nice moderate frame heavy muscle deep body bull with a great top line, Great WW YW & Marb. EPD’s.

 50 Anthony 2363 Brunswick 2043
Brunswick son that is moderate frame heavy muscled bull with maternal, top 2% HB, 3% STAY. 

 51 Anthony 3103 Saga Monta 2006
Dark red Saga Montana son with great growth and production, Top 10% of the breed for WW & YW EPD’s.

 52 Anthony 3110 Saga Monta 2081
Growth and production bull with great carcass EPD’s, Top 6% REA

53 Anthony 2382 Sags Monta 2075
Nice stout made Saga Montana son with added frame. 

54 Commercial Bull 
Domain son with added muscle and bone, Dark red color with big feet

55 Commercial Bull 
Domain son, Easy moving dark red bull with added frame.

Red Angus Open Heifers:

 56 Anthony 2288 Night Star 1844

 57 Anthony 2395 Night Star 1604

 58 Anthony 2343 Night Star 1504

 59 Anthony 2344 Night Star E125

60 Anthony 2399 Night Star 2032

61 Anthony 2319 X-Porter 2028

 62 Anthony 2314 Saga Monta 1827

 63 Anthony 2342 Saga Monta 1866

 64 Anthony 2295 Paramount XP 1985

 65 Anthony 2300 Paramount XP 2116

 66 Anthony 2329 GMRA Tesla 2100

 67 Anthony 2304 Premier 1646

68 Anthony 2303 Premier 1633

69 Anthony 3107 Brunswick 1814

70 Anthony 2313 Confirmtn E108

71 Anthony 2325 Confirmtn 1884

72 Anthony 2374 X-Porter 2029

 73 Anthony 2357 Charter KG 2161

74 Anthony 2358 Charter KG 2113

75 Anthony 2355 Charter KG 2166

76 Anthony 2392 Charter KG 2151

77 Anthony 3104 Charter KG 2158

 78 Anthony 2383 Night Star 2065

79 Anthony 3102 Saga Monta 2077

80 Anthony 3112 Charter XP 2148

Red Angus Spring Pairs:

 81 Anthony 2052 Confirmation 1545
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Pie Spur 1491 4543467

 82 Anthony 2103 Brunswick 1634
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Charter Xport 1182J 4455919

 83 Anthony 2159 Herdsman 1828
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Charter Xport 1182J 445599

 84 Anthony 2170 Confirmtn 1916
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Charter King 1268J 4456085

 85 Anthony 2166 Reliance 8E 1458
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Charter Xport 1182J 4455919

 86 Anthony 2113 Herdsman 1607
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Saga Montana 1305 4477519

87 Anthony 2144 X-Porter E 110
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Saga Montana 1305 4477519

88 Anthony 2158 Pieper 9002 1987
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Charter Xport 1182J 4455919

 89 Anthony 2074 X-Porter 1438
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire Pie Spur 1491 4543467

 90 Anthony 2073 8E 1210
Due to calve now to sale date Service sire 2258 4653215

Commercial Open Heifers:

91: 50 Head Red Angus Open Yearling Heifers
Ready for the bull of your choice

92: 10 Head Red Baldy Open Yearling Heifers
Ready for the bull of your choice



2023 Sale information

Anthony Ranches
Inaugural Red Angus Bull & Female Sale

March 31, 2023 in Ryan Oklahoma, 1:00 pm

Contact Luke Mobley for more information.

Anthony Ranches Red Angus Sale Catalog 2023

Bull & Female Videos!

Sale Order Anthony Ranches Red Angus 2023

Anthony Ranches Supplement Sheet 2023

Yearling Red Angus Bull:

Sire Reference: Anthony Night Star 2015: ARA 4327039

Lot 1: ANTHONY 2258 NIGHT STAR 1538

Lot 1: ANTHONY 2258 NIGHT STAR 1538: 
4653215, DOB 2/11/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 2: ANTHONY 2276 NIGHT STAR 1634: 4653225, DOB 3/1/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 4****

Lot 3: ANTHONY 2283 NIGHT STAR 1535

 Lot 3: ANTHONY 2283 NIGHT STAR 1535: 4653227, DOB 3/7/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 5*****


 Lot 4: ANTHONY 2220 NIGHT PREMR E159: 4653187, DOB 1/21/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 5: ANTHONY 2202 NIGHT PREM 18664656217, DOB 1/14/22, 87.5% AR,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 2** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 6: ANTHONY 2240 NIGHT PREM E136: 4656231, DOB 2/3/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 2** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 7: ANTHONY 2208 NIGHT PREM 20294656221, DOB 1/18/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 8: Anthony 2278 NIGHT PREM E111: 4656237, DOB 3/4/22
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 2**, Carcass: 4****

Lot 9: ANTHONY 2232 NIGHT MASTR 2074: 4653193 , DOB 1/29/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 3***

Sire Reference: Brown Premier X7876

 Lot 10: ANTHONY 2209 PREMIER 1636: 4653177, DOB 1/19/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 11: ANTHONY 2210 PREMIER 1487: 4653179, DOB 1/19/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 12: ANTHONY 2225 PREMIER 1673: 4656227, DOB 1/23/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 13: ANTHONY 2207 PREMIER 16464656219, DOB 1/18/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 2**, Carcass: 5*****

Sire Reference: LSF SRR Confirmation 8080F

Lot 14: ANTHONY 2200 CONFIRMATN 1503: 4653173, DOB 1/11/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 15: ANTHONY 2205 CONFIRMATN 15024653175, DOB 1/18/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 16: ANTHONY 2235 CONFIRMATN E110: 4653197, DOB 1/30/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 3***,

Lot 17: ANTHONY 2217 CONFIRMTN E129: 4696425: , DOB 1/20/22
Maternal: 4****, Growth: 4****

Lot 18: ANTHONY 2243 CONFIRMATN 1515: 4653205, DOB 2/4/22,
Calving Ease: 1*, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 19: ANTHONY 2245 COMFIRMATN 1924: 4653207, DOB 2/4/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 2**

Lot 20: ANTHONY 2247 CONFIRMATN 1631: 4653209, DOB 2/5/22,
Calving Ease: 1*, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 5**** , Carcass: 4****

Lot 21: ANTHONY 2250 CONFIRMATN 1434: 4653211, DOB 2/6/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 5*****,

Sire Reference: LSF HRR X-Porter F085

Lot 22: ANTHONY 2219 X-PORTER 1607

 Lot 22: ANTHONY 2219 X-PORTER 1607: 4653185, DOB 1/21/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 4****

Lot 23: ANTHONY 2222 X-PORTER 1839

 Lot 23: ANTHONY 2222 X-PORTER 1839: 4653189, DOB 1/22/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 3***,
Growth: 5***** , Carcass: 5+++++ ,

Lot 24: ANTHONY 2212 X-PORTER E128

 Lot 24: ANTHONY 2212 X-PORTER E128: 4653181, DOB 1/19/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 3***,

Lot 25: ANTHONY 2213 X-PORTER E158: 4653183, DOB 1/19/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 26: ANTHONY 2229 X-PORTER 1307: 4653191, DOB 1/27/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 27: ANTHONY 2264 X-PORTER E106

 Lot 27: ANTHONY 2264 X-PORTER E106: 4653219, DOB 2/13/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 28: ANTHONY 2252 X-PORTER 1322: 4656233, DOB 2/6/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 29: ANTHONY 2262 X-PORTER E121: 4656235, DOB 2/13/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 30: ANTHONY 2228 X-PORTER 1884: 4656229, DOB 1/27/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 4****

Sire Reference: GMRA Herdsman 8231F Red Angus

Lot 31: ANTHONY 2253 HERDSMAN 1819: 4653213, DOB 2/7/22,
Calving Ease: 5*****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 2**

Lot 32: ANTHONY 2234 HERDSMAN E886:

 Lot 32: ANTHONY 2234 HERDSMAN E886: 4653195, DOB 1/29/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 3***, Carcass: 4****,

Lot 33: ANTHONY 2242 HERDSMAN 1604: 4653203, DOB 2/4/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 34: ANTHONY 2239 HERDSMAN 1452: 4653199, DOB 2/1/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 5****
Growth: 2**,

Lot 35: ANTHONY 2241 HERDSMAN 1458: 4653201, DOB 2/4/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 2**,

Lot 36: ANTHONY 2260 HERDSMAN 1461: 4653217, DOB 2/11/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 4**** ,

Lot 37: ANTHONY 2268 HERDSMAN 1309: 4653221, DOB 2/15/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 38: ANTHONY 2281 HERDSMAN 1515: 4656241, DOB 3/8/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 39: ANTHONY 2282 HERDSMAN 1822: 4656243, DOB 3/9/22,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 40: ANTHONY 2216 HERDSMAN 1507: 4656225, DOB 1/20/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 41: A5CC 2236

 Lot 41: A5CC 2236: 4698585, DOB 3/10/22,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 2**, Growth: 2**
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 42: A5CC 2229: 4698569, DOB 3/1/22,
Calving Ease: 3**, Maternal: 5*****
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 43: A5CC 2233: 4698577, DOB 3/10/22
Maternal:  4****, Growth:  3***
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 44: A5CC 2225: 4698589, DOB 2/27/22,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal:  2**
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 45: A5CC 2214: 4698575, DOB 2/22/22
Maternal:  4****, Growth:  2**
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 46: A5CC 2232: 4698571, DOB 3/5/22
Maternal: 4****, Growth: 2**
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 47: A5CC 2219: 4698607, DOB 2/26/22,
Calving Ease: 3***,
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

2 Year Old Red Angus Bulls:

Lot 48: ANTHONY 2169 CONFIRMATN 1545

 Lot 48: ANTHONY 2169 CONFIRMATN 1545: 4472679, DOB 4/22/21,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 4****
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 2**

Lot 49: ANTHONY 2147 CONFIRMATN 1461: 4472667, DOB 2/19/21,
Maternal: 2**, Growth: 4****

Lot 50: ANTHONY 2172 CONFIRMTN 1809: 4582595, DOB 9/15/21,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 4**** ,

Lot 51: ANTHONY 2163 HERDSMAN 1822: 4472673, DOB 3/25/21,
Calving Ease: 4****, Maternal: 5*****
Growth: 3*** , Carcass: 5*****

Lot 52: ANTHONY 2126 8 E 1319: 4472641, DOB 1/30/21,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 3***
Growth: 3***

Lot 53: ANTHONY 2140 8 E 1322: 4472655, DOB 2/4/21,
Calving Ease: 2**, Maternal: 2**
Growth: 4****

Lot 54: ANTHONY 2128 X-PORTER E158: 4472643, DOB 1/30/21,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 2**
Growth: 4**** , Carcass: 3***

Lot 55: ANTHONY X-PORTER 2118 7007: 4444067: , DOB 1/25/21,
Calving Ease: 3***, Maternal: 2**
Growth: 2**, Carcass: 3***
Consigned by: Gylling Farm & Hay

Calving Ease Rating:

5***** Star: Ultimate calving ease for any breed of heifers & cows.
4**** Star: Elite calving ease for any breed of heifers & cows.
3* Star: Superior calving ease for well developed heifers and all cows.
2* Star: Excellent calving ease for heifers with Brahman influence & all cows.
1* Star: Good calving ease for heifers with 50% or more Brahman & all cows.

Red Angus Open Heifers:

Lot 56: ANTHONY 2246 CONFIRMTN 1908

 Lot 56: ANTHONY 2246 CONFIRMTN 1908: 4658019, DOB 2/4/22

Lot 57: ANTHONY 2272 CONFIRMTN 2008:

 Lot 57: ANTHONY 2272 CONFIRMTN 2008: 4658057, DOB 2/24/22

Lot 58: ANTHONY 2224 CONFIRMTN 1504: 4658009, DOB 1/22/22

Lot 59: ANTHONY 2263 X-PORTER E108: 4658035, DOB 2/13/22

Lot 60: ANTHONY 2255 X-PORTER E145: 4658049, 2/9/22

Lot 61: ANTHONY 2285 NIGHT MASTER 20: 4689669, DOB 4/17/22

Lot 62: ANTHONY 2251 NIGHT MASTER 2065: 4658025, DOB 2/5/22

Lot 63: ANTHONY 2284 NIGHT PREM 2042: 4658063, DOB 3/19/22

Lot 64: ANTHONY 2270 NIGHT PREM 2032: 4658053, DOB 2/19/22

Lot 65: ANTHONY 2238 NIGHT PREM 1907: 4658017, DOB 2/1/22

Lot 66: ANTHONY 2201 NIGHT PREM 2003: 4657995, DOB 1/13/22

Lot 67: ANTHONY 2221 NIGHT PREM 2081: 4658045, DOB 1/22/22

Lot 68: ANTHONY 2274 NIGHT PREM 1912: 4658059, DOB 2/25/22

Lot 69: ANTHONY 2244 PREMIER 1633: 4658047, DOB 2/4/22

Lot 70: ANTHONY 2271 HERDSMAN 1913

 Lot 70: ANTHONY 2271 HERDSMAN 1913: 4658055, DOB 2/22/22

Lot 71: ANTHONY 2277 HERDSMAN F979: 4658041, DOB 3/1/22

Lot 72: ANTHONY 2267 HERDSMAN 2073: 4658051, DOB 2/15/22

Lot 73: ANTHONY 2280 HERDSMAN 1917: 4658061, DOB 3/8/22

Red Angus Spring Calving Pairs / Bred Heifers:

Lot 74: ANTHONY 2164 NIGHT PREM 1917: 4478811, DOB 3/29/21
Safe to LSF CHARTER KING 1268J (4456085) due to calve by sale.

Lot 75: ANTHONY 2113 HERDSMAN 1607: 4478759, DOB 1/22/21
Safe to LSF Charter 1268J (4456085) due to calve by sale.

Lot : 76ANTHONY 2127 HERDSMAN 1702: 4478771, DOB 1/30/21
Safe to LSF CHARTER KING 1268J (4456085) due to calve by sale.

Lot 77: ANTHONY 2139 CONFIRMATN 1512: 4478781, DOB 2/4/21
Safe to LSF CHARTER 1182J  (4455919) due to calve by sale.

Lot 78: ANTHONY 2162 RELIANCE8E 1452: 4478809, DOB 3/18/21
Safe to LSF CHARTER KING 1268J (4456085) due to calve by sale.

Lot 79: ANTHONY 2166 RELIANCE8E 1458: 4478815, DOB 4/2/21
Safe to LSF CHARTER KING 1268J (4456085) due to calve by sale.

Lot 80: A5CC 2101: 4693267, DOB 3/7/21
Safe to Anthony Night Star (4327039) AI on 3/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 81: A5CC 1483: 4436347, DOB 1/24/21
Safe to Anthony Night Star (4327039) AI on 3/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 82: A5CC 2100: 4693269, DOB 3/5/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 83: A5CC 1218: 4436335, DOB 1/22/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 84: A5CC 2110: 4693255, DOB 2/23/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 85: A5CC 2111: 4693257, DOB 3/9/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 86: A5CC 2112: 4693263, DOB 2/10/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 87: A5CC 2113: 4693259, DOB 2/26/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 88: A5CC 2114: 4693261, DOB 2/23/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Lot 89: A5CC 2115: 4693265, DOB 2/23/21
Safe to KCC Excellence 139-774 (3774413) AI on 5/15/22, Due to calve by sale.
Consigned by: A5 Cattle Company

Red Angus Fall Calving Bred Heifers:

Lot 90: ANTHONY 2170 Confirmtn 1916:

 Lot 90: ANTHONY 2170 Confirmtn 1916: 4582603, DOB 9/3/21
Safe to GMRA Tesla 1261J (4465171) due to start calving 9/3/23.

Lot 91: ANTHONY 2173 Confirmtn 1844

 Lot 91: ANTHONY 2173 Confirmtn 1844: 4582597, DOB 9/21/21
Safe to GMRA Tesla 1261J (4465171) due to start calving 9/3/23.

 Lot 92: ANTHONY 2171 Confirmtn 1835: 4582601, DOB 9/11/21
Safe to GMRA Tesla 1261J (4465171) due to start calving 9/3/23.

Lot 93: ANTHONY 2174 Confirmtn 1837: 4582599, DOB 9/28/21
Safe to GMRA Tesla 1261J (4465171) due to start calving 9/3/23.

Lot 94: ANTHONY 2133 X-PORTER E 121: 4478775, DOB 1/31/21
Safe to GMRA Brunswick 8214F (3941509), due to start calving 10/3/23

Lot 95: ANTHONY 2137 RELIANCE8E 1535: 4478779, DOB 2/3/21
Safe to GMRA Brunswick 8214F (3941509), due to start calving 10/3/23

Red Angus Spring Calving Pairs / Bred Females:

Lot 96: ANTHONY2026 NIGHTCALVER1453: 4327725, DOB 2/14/20
Safe to GMRA Brunswick 8214F (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to Sale.

Lot 97: BROWN MS SLEEP EASY F979: 4037842, DOB 9/12/18
Safe to Feddes SAGA Montana (4477519) or Pie Spur (4543467), due to start calving January 20 to Sale.

Lot 98: V6A DEPENDENT HOBO 1884: 3989982, DOB 3/15/18
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 99: V6A ORION 395 RED MISSY 1866: 3999264, DOB 3/2/18
Safe to Feddes SAGA Montana (4477519) or Pie Spur (4543467), due to start calving January 20 to Sale.

Lot 100: V6A MS EXCELLENT ANSWER E158: 3767949, DOB 4/3/17
Safe to GMRA Brunswick 8214F (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to Sale.

Lot 101: BROWN MS REVELATION E886: 3820347, DOB 2/16/17
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 102: /LD DELICATE ONE 1702: 3727297, DOB 2/13/17
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 103: V6A MS DEEP END E108: 3767875, 1/25/17
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 104: SLAC MS MONEY E136: 3617740, DOB 1/6/17
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 105: V6 ULTIMATE SASS 1634: 3567083, DOB 1/23/16
Safe to GMRA GAME CHANGE (4465143) or Pie Spur (4543467), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 106: V6 REDEMPTIONS HOBO: 3567115, DOB 1/19/16
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 107: V6 SAKICS HONEY PIE: 1702692, DOB 1/28/14
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 108: V6 SAKIC KARA: 1702687, DOB 1/5/14
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 109: STRINGERS BASIN: 1647974, DOB 2/25/13
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 110: STRINGERS ROYAL CANYON: 1647965, DOB 2/17/13
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Lot 111: STRINGERS PIE: 1647967, DOB 1/31/13
Safe to Confirmation (3924849 or Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving January 20 to sale.

Red Angus Fall Calving Bred Females:

Lot 112: Anthony 2066 Tesla 1806: 4327763, DOB 4/15/20
Safe to Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving 9/3/23.

Lot 113: Anthony2062 Tesla 1823: 4327757, DOB 3/30/20
Safe to Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving 9/3/23.

 Lot 114: Anthony1916 Fusion 1646: 4150752, DOB 1/21/19
Safe to Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving 9/3/23.

Lot 115: V6A Domains Rose 1810:3990028, DOB 1/24/18
Safe to Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving 9/3/23.

Lot 116: V6 Strawberry Tart 1506: 3480773, DOB 1/26/15
Safe to Brunswick (3941509), due to start calving 9/3/23.

Commercial Females:

 30 – Red Angus open yearling heifers ready for the bull of your choice.

5 – Red Baldy open yearling heifers ready for the bull of your choice.

 20 – Red Angus 2 year old Pairs & Heavy Bred Heifers, Spring Calving: Bred to Anthony Red Angus Bulls.

20 – 3 year old Red Angus Pairs & Heavy Bred Spring Calving: Bred to Anthony Red Angus Bulls.