Red Angus Bulls & Females For Sale
Contact Luke Mobley for more information on these Red Angus cattle and Red Angus sales.
Red Angus Sales 2025:
Arkansas Bull Sale Multi-Breed Bull Sale Heber Springs, AR. March 22nd
Anthony Ranches Inaugural Red Angus Bull & Female Sale, Ryan, OK, April 4th
Red Angus Sales 2024:
Arkansas Bull Sale Multi-Breed Bull Sale Heber Springs, AR. March 23rd
Anthony Ranches Inaugural Red Angus Bull & Female Sale, Ryan, OK, April 5th
Red Angus Sales 2023:
Arkansas Bull Sale Multi-Breed Bull Sale Heber Springs, AR. March 25th
Anthony Ranches Inaugural Red Angus Bull & Female Sale, Ryan, OK, March 31st
Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Cord, AR Noovember 25
Oakhurst Farms Forage Efficient & Maternal Lineage Red Angus Female Sale Online Sale October 24 – 26
Red Angus Sales 2022:
Arkansas Bull Sale Multi-Breed Bull Sale Heber Springs, AR. March 26th
Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Harrison, AR October 29th
Brands Of Recognition Sale Savannah, TN 5th
Red Angus Sales 2021:
Ponderosa Farms & Guest Red Angus Bull Sale
Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Harrison, AR October 30th
Brands Of Recognition Sale Columbia, TN 6th
Red Angus Sales 2020:
Missouri Choice Sale Strafford, MO April 18, 2020
Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Ratcliff, AR October 24th
Red Angus Sales 2019:
Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Ratcliff, AR October 26th

Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Registered Bulls & Females Plus Commercial Females.
October 26, 2019 in Ratcliff, AR
Red Angus Sale 2018:
Arkansas Bull Sale March 24th in Heber Springs, AR
Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Ratcliff, AR October 27th
Osborn Red Angus Bull & Female Sale December 1st Athens, AL
Red Angus Bred Heifers
Red Angus Spring Bred Cows
Red Angus Fall Bred Cows
Red Angus Yearling Open Heifers
Red Angus Sales 2017:
Arkansas Bull Sale March 25th in Heber Springs, AR
Osborn Red Angus Bull & Female Sale December 2nd Athens, AL
Red Angus is a red colored breed of beef cattle selected from the population of Aberdeen Angus cattle.
Since 1945 some cattlemen have selected out the few red calves, believing them to have advantages of heat tolerance and the ability to cross with other red breeds without introducing the dominant black color. In 1954 the Red Angus Association of America was founded, based in Sheridan, Wyoming. Registration was conditional on meeting performance targets to create a superior breed.
Red Angus have all of the characteristics of Black Angus. The cows are hardy, and grow quickly. They produce marbled meat like that of the Black Angus, and their meat is also highly desired in butchers, supermarkets, restaurants, and in the home. While the Red Angus is different in color, their meat is no different from that of the Black Angus.